Friday, July 29, 2011

A place to Shelter

The walls in my room are cracking,
I could hear mama papa srceaming,
I woke up from a nightmare,
Seeing you werent there,
There's a place call home,
But I'm all alone.

The moon and sun just disaapear,
In darkness I fear,
Why couldn't I hear,
The voices into my ear,
I'm crying,
I feel like dying,
I just need a place.

I just need a place to shelter,
Oh yeah, a place where I feel loved,
A place where I can find peace,
I just need a place to shelter
Where all my doubts for life shall dissappear.

I saw the pieces of building,
All scattered that evening,
I see flying electronic birds everyday,
I heard loud noises when the war
Is starting on the ground, in the sky,
Little children are crying,
Soldiers are dying,
They just need a place.

They just need a place to shelter,
Oh yeah, a place where they feel loved,
A place where they could find peace,
They just need a place to shelter
Where all their doubts for life shall dissappear.

Hey young world,
This isn't bout richness or popularity,
This is bout the people in a unity,
Stop this madness in this country,
Cause there are people,
Who just need a place.

We need a place to shelter,
Oh yeah, just need a place to be safe,
Just need a place to be together,
We need a place to shelther,
Where all out doubts for life shall dissappear.

My very own master piece ^^