I’ve been sitting and doing my thinking. As far as I know,thinking back what you said to me and all, they are just words to you. You take them as just letters. Well, in my dictionary, I don’t specify words as just sentence with letters. Words are very powerful. Once you say it out, its very hard to take it back. You could take it back, but u already meant your words. Therefore, peeps will start to say they can’t trust whatever you say. Cause you don’t take your words seriously. Words comes with feelings. They go in one flow. When you’re sad, you’ll start writing emo stuff. Like me, my current mood is all bout sadness lead to having nostalgia . When you’re in an extreme happy mood, you’ll be writing or saying extremely crazy stuff. When you’re confused, your brain is full with stuff, I can bet any question that’s been asked, you’ll either reply ‘I dunno’ or “anything’ etc etc. And I bet you guys get what I meant bout words. Its not a thing for you to play around, but is a thing you must beware of.
Xoxo Alice